
By andyclicks

Tate Modern

Well as you may have guessed from the title, I went up to the Tate Modern in London today. We went up for an art trip with all the A level art students.

After getting the trains there (which were fairly cramped at some points I had 3 people on my lap!) we had around 2 hours at our leisure around the gallery and were meant to do around 6 quick studies. In the end I only did around 3 or 4, the main artist that i'm studying, Franz Marc, has no work in England currently, let alone in the Tate. But other artists that he met, was influenced by or were part of 'Der Blaue Reiter' were there which was good. So I saw some Kandinsky, Klee and a painting of Robert Delaunay that i've already studied from the internet!

Overall it was a pretty good day, it would've been nice to have had a bit more time around the gallery or even just a bit more time to hand but never mind. The train home was slightly easier. Me and some friends were playing cards cause we had more room this time and a table to ourselves. Even if we were squishing 5 people onto 4 seats. One hilariously funny thing I saw on the way home though, was that there was this field of cows. And suddenly a few of the cows start chasing something, and i realised it was a rabbit. Then out of nowhere, the cow in the front just sort've jumped up and jumped straight down onto where the rabbit was. I didn't get to see much though cause the train was swiftly moving, but it was a bit shocking to say the least!

Anyways, my mummy helped me choose this photo. It was out of this or a sunrise photo I shot this morning. Obviously there were quite a few photos from today, my camera didn't leave my neck. But in the actual gallery I really liked the atmosphere and stuff of this room. It's made of this polyester mesh stuff and it had good lighting. Here's a link to it if you want more info

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