Brian's Bits

By Kanyl

Slow, Sloe-Gin, Gin Slow.

Alternative title ''A bush in the corner, of May.'' As a kid I always wondered which corner of May the bush was in, the April corner, the June corner, or some other?

WHAT a fortuitous accident.

A few days prior to the apple wine, when we found the two apple trees, I also found some Sloes, very sparsely set along a branch.
For years now I've watched the May flower
(As in ''Thistle and darnell and dock grew there,
  And a bush, in the corner, of may,'')

ALL subsequent attemps to find fruit to match the flower profusion proved fruitless, to say the least, until that apple day when there were fruit, about 6'' apart on the branches.

Today's journey was intended to take us, via Tomtom© (''Other satnavs are available'') to a point where Google© ''Street view'' showed a sign advertising damsons for sale.

Due to Pilot error 2º 54' 54.5'' got entered as 2º 59'...., placing us a dozen or so miles west of target and on the ''other'' side of Windermere, where I enjoyed some ''proper'' driving on roads requiring the use of such ancillaries as brakes and steering wheel.

While bowling along the not-very open road I yelped ''LOOK!'' once or twice and the Boss said ''Well? Stop and pick them then.''

As luck would have it there was a space by the road-side NOT designated as a passing place within 100yds/mtr so I was able to bag just over 2lb = 1kg.

Just as well we stopped, coz the degree of error wasn't known 'till we were back home to see the original coordinates.

Next stop, the grog-shop.

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