
By marshland

Never a dull moment

So today my dad decides that he's going to embarrass me. As we walked into school, we walked past the bike sheds. There was a large crowd of kids from my class gathered in the bike sheds so dad, being dad, grabbed my hand and wouldn't let go. As I complained at him, he said, "Don't worry Isabelle, they can't see your hand, it's between us." A little closer we got and..."Isabelle, is this your hand?" he shouts out as he lifts my hand up to show everyone that we're holding hands. Now don't get me wrong, I love holding my dad's hand, but there are times and places and being a Year 6 child in the playground on a morning just isn't the time or the place (if you don't want to get picked on relentlessly).

Dad then noticed that my classroom windows were open, so he picked me up and tried to 'post' me through the window saying that it was too far to walk around! Yes, my teacher did see what dad was doing and said to me that she'd open the window a little further next week so that he can 'post' me in easily!!!

Dad's final act of embarrassment today was my diary (pictured). Not happy with signing it last week as 'J. Rockerfeller' (as he says that my school must think he has that much money), this week he signed it as 'S. Holmes' (as in Sherlock Holmes). Dad seemed to think this was funny. Luckily, my teacher seems to have a sense of humour too as after she asked me why dad had signed my diary as 'S. Holmes', she signed the school signature as 'Minnie Mouse'. This could continue a while...

PS: The link that I put on last night wasn't right, sorry. It linked to a picture of Libby and should have been another picture of the stones - .these stones.

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