W8man on the Web

By w8man

We've Landed!

Well it finally happened.... at last. At 3.25pm this afternoon in fact, that's an hour and twenty five minutes over 7 full days. That was the time we were shown the front door of the hospital, and we left.

The journey home was great, all of us in the car headed back to the house - a happy journey I shall not forget.

Then strangely on getting back to the house it was a bit like when you return from holiday and everything looks a little bit weird even though it's all your stuff that you're looking at. You remember why things are in certain places, a coffee mug or a magazine that you were using before you left to go away.

We settled quickly and ate well.... the nicest dinner we've had in ages (never did manage a sandwich free day, despite the promise to myself in yesterdays blip btw)

Then Mum was left chilling with the 'Kids' - That still sounds weird. :-)

I asked them to smile, seems Leo heard his old man and obliged too.

Love how happy Sophie looks in this picture, and tonight she's sleeping in her own bed.


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