One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

Welcome to Ireland

You came off the ferry in Dun Laoghaire 3 minutes ago.
You have just discovered a new setting for your car's wipers. You always thought that there were only 3 settings: intermittent, slow, fast.
There is a fourth one: Ireland
You have a few seconds before the lights change and you need to make an executive decision based on the information on offer: left or right?
LAR AN BHAILE or Links fahren?
Tourist office or An Dheisceart
Speed limits or the very faded N something in green?

Too late the light is green, you have to move on.
Left or right, it does not really matter because in no less than half a mile you will most certainly be hopelessly lost. Road signs are considered unsightly around here and an insult to your innate sense of orientation.

Tom-Tom have declared the Republic of Ireland their number 1 country for potential growth. One million euro has been spent promoting their GPS navigation systems.

The money that had been set aside to solve their crucial touch-screen problems...

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