Gathering seaweed

Today started early for me - 7.15 (not a lie -in runningbackwards!!!) and it was pitch black!! Even the cats were still asleep. Working today instead of yesterday and a full day at that. The children were all wrecked having had an exciting day out yesterday listening to brass ensembles, visiting the library and the local museum. Nonetheless, today was seaweed collection day! We marched them crocodile style down to the nearest beach, about a mile away, where everyone was instructed to gather seaweed and help fill the wheelbarrow. Lily and Alicia obeyed with enthusiasm!! We then had a romp along the beach collecting interesting stuff - dead crabs, shells, bits of twig, avoiding the nappies and beercans. We then returned with our full barrow - me pushing upit hill, then the big ones taking over. The seaweed will then go on our two raised beds where it will rot over the winter and provide a magnificent fertiliser. Himself and I will be doing something similar soon, but we'll fill two trailer loads.

I think it might be a curry and a glass of something relaxing shortly. Have a good weekend everyone.

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