In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

Penny and Me

Today I received a bill for my credit card, and being a prompt payer, within an hour of the mail arriving, I made my way to the bank and paid the bill .
I actually thought that last month's bill, which was interest only, carried forward, was going to be the final amount that I was due them, but despite paying last month's grand total of £3.66, somehow they managed to construe that I still owed them a whole penny.
Now I know I could have called them up and pointed out their error and got the payment canceled, but the phone call would have cost more than the bill itself. Saying that, the admin, both from their side and my bank's side, would far exceed the penny.
AH well, banks make too much cash anyway, so let them carry the cost.
If you didn't catch yesterday's blip, you can see it here.
Have a good weekend, and may your football team be successful, unless your team is Dundee United.

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