Laptop Cat
Holly on my laptop,
Holly on my lap:
drooling old cat that
tries to take a nap.
The photo on the screen
seems to show a little grin;
she's not many teeth left
and dribbles down her chin.
Holly on my laptop,
Holly on my knee,
I can't reach the keyboard,
so bad luck me!
poem © Celia Warren 2011
But, you notice, I could reach my camera!
This is my sister's older cat. She's a very old and very affectionate tabby, with an ear-splittingly loud miaow and an earth-shakingly loud purr. She's lovely. (Except, sadly, she doesn't like the gentle, friendly, innocuous Tom, who ignores her spitting in an admirable way.) Holly prefers people to cats.
The feline-theme ends here for now, but I have to blip them while I can.
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