cultivate thankfulness

By cultivate

Physics lab fun

Went to lunch and then to Ulta with Lydia, we always make any chore an adventure. Its funny how I had been praying for a best friend all these years and here I am with a handful of them! I am beyond blessed. Knowing that I have a group of friends that truly care and want to see good and growth out of me is indescribable. Life is definitely not meant to be navigated alone. Just like any relationship however, spending time in medidation, prayer, and deep thought alone is crucial to maintaining a center. I went on a moonlight run around city park. When I was passing all the benches and landmarks that I had made memories with Dylan the song "Don't Think Twice, Its Alright" by Bob Dylan started playing on my ipod. I wanted to cry and laugh and scream in victory. I looked at the lake in front of me, and breathed in the night air while the moon gave me just enough light as not to be swallowed bythe dark. I am limitless.

Oh yeah, Kelli, Caitlin, and I made physics lab more fun than was intended by taking racy photos with the skeletons. Sometimes, you just have to be silly, no matter how old you are. :)

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