A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Mystery bird in the cemetery.

We returned to the cemetery in Bristol this evening to see a further Shakespeare production. This time it was 'Two Gentlemen of Verona' where my daughter Grace was playing the role of Julia. It was the first time I have seen this and it was definitely lighter than last nights 'Measure for Measure'.

We arrived earlier and had a walk around the cemetery (Arnos Vale) and whilst a lot has been restored there are huge areas where the victorian monuments are completely overgrown by ivy. This was just a simple cross but what caught my eye was the bird that had been placed on it. It was made of a remarkably heavy metal and why it was there is a mystery as it was obviously not a well tended grave. You may need to view LARGE to see it clearly.

Earlier we went to Street to the Clarks village and passed Wells Cathedral and Glastonbury Tor. By our return in the afternoon the sun was shining and we ate a late lunch in the garden.
Glastonbury Tor
I have enjoyed the experience and the excellent performances but doubt I will be spending much time in cemeteried in the future!

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