
By jackparry

Promise This

^ The song by Cheryl Cole I've been working on for this weeks Art homework. We had to pick our favourite song and illustrate it's lyrics.

'Cover me' 'Pluck your wings' 'Spread your wings' 'Pray for me' 'Kiss my lips' 'Promise this'

I've used those lyrics to create one solid image, I came up with two hands together (I used a picture I'd taken of some friends having an arm wrestle a few months back) which then moulded into a pair of wings, behind that a candle and some lips at the bottom. On the opposite page I've stuck down some pictures from the video and drawn Cheryl herself :)

On the first page I painted the background blue, and drew with black fine liner some silhouetted trees, which appear numerous times in her video.

That's where this photo comes in, me and my friend went down the fields this evening in hope of finding some Deer to capture, but with no luck this is something else I got, which kind of relates to what I've been saying.

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