
By marshland

Jean city

Finally, dad has got a new pair of jeans. Me, mum and Libby have been telling him for ages that he needs a new pair of jeans. Dad, being dad though, has been saying, "This pair of jeans is fine."

Eventually, taking the advice of the Marshland girls, he's bought himself a new pair - wooppee! He did make us giggle though when he bought them as he told the man in the shop very clearly that he just wanted a new pair of jeans that didn't make him look like he was old, but trying to appear young! I must admit, I'm glad that he chose this pair because the modern jeans - for teenagers - are low cut and show off boxer shorts. Dad's underpants, on the other hand, would not look good!!!! Diary of a Whimpy Kid comes to mind...LOL (sorry dad!)

Right. Bed now (before dad sees this and sends me to bed for being cheeky!!!). Love you dad XXXX

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