Guinea Pig Zero

By gpzero


This blip is late because had just enough computer troubles lately for my blipfoto account to get confused, and I needed to communicate with all the right elves before it was sorted out. It's not so interesting because I didn't go to the Occupy Philly protest, and took my camera out only twice.

It's good to know that even though the cat adoption groups are overwhelmed with adoptable cats, and it took me nine months to find home for two foster kitties (of which I adopted one), I can always count on homeless cats in the nearby shop window to provide a cute-enough image to blip.

I spent the day worrying about a historical walking tour I will lead on Friday, and preparing for it. I've done it scores of times but this time it has the focus on Law, and the strollers will be lawyers & law students. I have not been giving the tour much this year and I really want it to go well.

Some blippers post images of the Sun rising or setting, or the latest loving moment of their dog or cat. For me, any cat I meet is my friend, and so I stop and say hello. This one is no different. He waits patiently at the pet supply shop, waiting for Love, affectionate to visitors like me. I do not know his name.

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