
By erinmaureen

Where are my shoes?

This morning Jilly, Amanda and I took a trip back down route 9 to Subaru to get Seamus fixed forreal this time. He's good as new. And the best part is that there was some sort of warranty so it was for freeeeee!

Afterwards Jillian and I were bad influences on Amanda and decided to go to Panera for lunch instead of returning to campus so she could go to her 12:30. We got her to class before 1 though so it was a win/win.

I spent a lot of time today sitting around doing nothing as well as working on my CSIS homework which was surprisingly hard this week....maybe i shouldn't have waited until the last minute....oops.

It was somewhat of a productive day, i guess.

Isaiah stopped by this evening. Emily made the mistake of not being home, therefore he took every single pair of shoes that she had in her closet and placed them in the cabinet over our refrigerator.

It took her a good ten minutes after getting home to find them. It was extremely entertaining.

We also had a discussion this evening about if F11 were survivor who would be the last one standing. The discussion got a little heated. No one wanted to be voted out. Apparently we're competitive in F11....who knew?

Tomorrow will require major studying for Thursday's midterm....After our pancake breakfast, of course.

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