Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

I love your smile

A few things occurred to me today.

First - I really want one of those pumpkin ales in the fridge. Done.

Second - Whilst reflecting on Callum during his last month of twoness, and pondering on what he has achieved in his nearly three years, I began thinking not of the list of milestones that he might tick off, but about how proud I am of him. He's learnt two of the greatest lessons in life and is bestowed with the precious gifts of compassion and empathy. He not only feels empathetic for other's feelings, but he actively helps them out, offers condolences and takes their hand to guide them: compassion. I see it at home with all of us, focusing on our feelings and offering comforting. I remember once when I couldn't help the tears from an event regarding Reuben and Callum simply took my head in his hands and smiled at me and it felt like someone else, not of his years, was within him. He had just turned two. And so too with the kids at school. In this, he truly lives up to his role as the one and only peer role model at UCLA intervention programme for kids with disabilities, to his friends with a wide range of physical, social, communication and behavioural challenges. There were concerns from friends about Callum being in such a programme, that he might somehow fall behind academically or otherwise, but that completely missed the point: that one of the greatest successes in life is to be measured by compassion, how to love and respect and how to then empower our children to self advocate and to advocate for those within our society who need just a little more of a helping hand in life.

So I'm looking at this face again and just thinking, Have I told you enough today how proud I am of you Callum?

A host of backBlips from the desert start here with Big cowboy

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