
Flew into Krakow International Airport which - despite its recent expansion has to be one of the smallest 'International' airports in the developed world.

After a short train ride (and cheap) we were in the city and we started walking to the main square which is where we were to stay.

On route we came across our first outdoor exhibition which we had to stop and check out - after all that is why we were there .......... the annual Photomonth.

The walk should be about 15minutes but took up about 40 due to the stops to look and take pictures.

When we got to Rynek Glowny (the main square) we were forced to sit and have a beer in the sun and soak up the atmosphere.

When we went to teh apartment it wasn't quite as described on the web (see here and next 4 .......... not really suitable for 3 blokes and 2 women (none of us partners).

Protracted negotiations were entered into and an agreement reached (we would pay in Zloty - not euros as agreed on booking - and we would get a second apartment as well for no extra cost) .................. sorted - time for a walk.

In the square we came across the giant head which is quite some sculpture. We also found that there is a bugle played from the top of St Marys' Church on the hour, every hour.

Food and beer took up most of the evening followed by a late night show.

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