accidental awesome

By alexamato

Yesterday's photo seemed to get a lot of position attention. Cool, thanks guys!

I played with some black & white layering, which somehow resulted in the building keeping most of it's colour, but most of everything else looking black and white.

I did a bit of the same effect here.

For the record, I don't take flower photos. This, to me, isn't a flower photo.


This is a photo of the rain drops on the window, using the flower as an autofocus point.

I'm still very, very concerned about my 35mm lens. Yesterday's photo was a test. On autofocus, the building appeared to be in focus in the viewfinder, but then upon review the image taken it was very obvious it wasn't. So, I retook it using manual focus (which I don't like using because I don't trust my vision very well) and yesterday's blip was achieved.

It seem as though the closer the object is, the more the autofocus seems to work ok. The further away, it seems to go off. But not so obvious and it can be easy to miss.

Hence I'm not trying to some back from Cape Town with some crap photos next week!

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