
By MikeBN

Lost Opportunity

Yesterday my lovely neighbour, a lovely young wife who makes me endless cups of tea asked me a favour, to photograph a lovely late rose in her garden.

Damn, I'll blame my age, but i forgot.

As often happens, the promise flashed across my memory this afternoon and i quickly grabbed the camera and went round to take the photo of this wonderful pale lemony peach rose called Emily Gray. It was very special for special reasons.

My camera at the ready I looked for Emily Gray - Oh Dear - the wind last night, how could I have been so unlucky, Emily had suffered a little overnight, so I took the best shot I could in all the circumstances.

Never put off till tomorrow what you could do today. Those words came to my mind as I took my photo Blip for the day Those words only drowned out by me shouting B****r B****r B****r B****r

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