That`s when I joined this company.
I was working for a jewellery company which had units in Debenhams as Area Manager, one of the Managers at a Debenhams store I was visiting asked me if I would like to work for him in a brand new store opening in Preston. I`d heard on the grapevine that the jewellers might be going to the wall so I said yes, might as well.
I spent 18 months at Preston until Debenhams opened in the Market Place in Bolton about 1988 so I transferred there as it was only a few miles from where I lived in Farnworth.
I hadn`t been there more than a year when my then first husband got a position at the Debenhams Distribution Centre in Northampton so I transferred again. Worked there untill 1996 and after my divorce, I moved to Leicester with Chris and you guessed it, I transferred again and have been here ever since.
Things have changed in a big way over the years, some good some not so good. My decision to come off the shop floor 7 years ago was a big thing for me as I had always dealt with the public and enjoyed that side of the job but that had changed and I didn`t agree with some of the changes so I went `back of house` as we call it. At least I only work Monday to Friday, Bank Holidays off and although I start at silly o`clock I finish early as well...no more stupidly late nights
I now run a loading bay with a small team, offloading vehicles with various deliveries. Probably stay there till I retire in a few years time......

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