Rodents rule

By squirk

New garden ornament

A beautiful day - we just pottered about in the garden (I'm still clearing the jungle with help from the g-pig trio). F put together his folding kayak for the second time. His paddle, lifejacket and wetsuit thing (I've got the jargon sorted) came today. He now needs a creek to paddle up.

We tried, and failed, to find a venue in London in which to watch Eurovision. We don't have a television and I think that buying one just to watch the Eurovision final is just wrong. I only watch it for Terry Wogan's commentary anyway. In the end, I watched it post-Eurovision on BBC's iplayer. I think the UK entry was quite good, and should have got a few more points than it did. Terry Wogan was on fine form, though he may not be commenting next year!!

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