Probably a shot of a Jnr

By Hollowspy

They call me the heart doctor

...actually they don't, but they might refer to me as "the guy who fixed the fiddly plastic model that kind of represents how the heart pumps blood round the body" tomorrow at school. Then again, they probably won't.

Today would have been OK if it wasn't for the griping abdominal pains that have been bothering me since Sunday afternoon. I won't go further with TMI, but I have officially had enough of them now. I took my mind off them this evening by having a go at fixing this heart model. It only came out of the box today so the instructions were there, but they might as well have been written in Ancient Greek as they made no sense. I ended up copying the photo on the front of the box as it was a lot easier to figure out! So now it pumps coloured water around the tubes (blood vessels) and white frame (body!). I think I might add a rudimentary head, lungs and body to make it a bit more meaningful.

Last year I had a scary heart problem that needed a huge injection to sort out, so I am a bit more aware of heart related things now. Luckily, it has not returned. This Blip is for Bryher, she writes a journal that I subscribe to. She has written about a very similar problem recently and I know how concerned she must be. Some good news this week, and fingers crossed for more to come.

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