Webb London Marathon

By Astonwebbo

Best present ever?!

Look at this for a present!! My good friend Matthew James Hollies (I have guessed his middle name don't know it) is 26 today! This is what nestle sent him on his birthday!

Firstly happy birthday to him and to anyone else who has a birthday 2day! Got me to thinking is this the best present ever? And what is your best ever present?

A few stick out for me : a few of my mates got me a villa shirt for my 18th and then my grandad did my me a car, which is insanely generous ESP when I used it in a government scrapage scheme and made money on it!

It also made me realise I now ask for presents I need like jumpers, aftershave and alcohol! Where as before I would ask for a scaletrix or a helicopter, preferably budgie the little helicopter! Damn I am getting old!

Av fun and stay young xx

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