Mrs Gruffalo & Her Camera

By mrsgruffalo

Day 19- Where I Slept

So, day 19 dawned far too early (fundraising day today gave me a sleepless night). My husband was blissfully unaware of this photo, as he hid under the quilt from the light this morning.

I wish this looked more interesting. I contemplated changing the sheets last night for ones that weren't the same colour as the wall, but it was too much like hard work!

Today was a brilliant day. I was dreading it (when I was asleep last night, I was having nightmares about today), but it was a brilliant day and I really enjoyed it. I'm exhausted now, but have a very contented "aren't the Sixth Form brilliant?" feeling... It's days like these that remind me why I love my job. :D

Nearly two thirds of the way through the photo challenge now... :D

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