The second half of life..

By twigs

California Poppy study

Around this time last year I did some gardening for a friend and, as you do, I took a few cuttings and seedlings to bring back for my own garden.

After a few weeks I noticed that I had also acquired a rogue Californian Poppy - I'm not a big fan of them but I do subscribe to the principle of gardening that says if something pops up of its own accord and survives it should remain.

Not only did the poppy survive - its seed thrived, even in the frosty winter we had - so now I have a few more.......

Couldn't help but notice this morning this tall slender bud about to burst with the first flower. Also couldn't help but notice the way the water droplets from the (substantial!) overnight rain we had had settled and balanced on both the poppy's skirt and on the leaves.

I know these things can become rampant if left to their own devices so I will probably end up regretting my decision to grant it a stay of execution, but until then I shall enjoy its company.


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