Today's Special

By Connections

Not Tomatoes

Count yourselves lucky -- what I'd planned for today was a photo of "The Battle Between Box Car Willy and Kellogg's Breakfast." They were among the many new-to-me heirloom tomatoes at the Bellingham Farmers Market this weekend. The best I could come up with was this -- looks like Box Car Willy, the top tomato, won.

In addition to loading up on veggies, fruit, bread, yogurt, and the best sausage patties I've ever eaten (local! organic! humanely raised!), this week I also bought a few cookies. Five, to be exact. You may see two more later this week, if we don't eat them first.

Today's cookies are from the Breadfarm. I bring a blank check/cheque to the market for my Breadfarm purchases -- everything they make is delicious. This week we're enjoying a coconut shortbread and a cocoa nib shortbread, our most favorite cookie of all.

Now that you've seen these delights, we're free to eat them. Good thing, as I haven't planned anything for tonight's meal, so it will be one of those open-the-fridge-and-see-what-can-be-pulled-together meals. I'll keep it light so we can relish every crumb of those rich treats.

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