Plus ça change...

By SooB

Old technology?

There's nothing quite like receiving a letter. That 'you've got mail' light could be good or bad, business or pleasure, but a handwritten letter in the postbox, particularly when you recognise the handwriting you used to forge on letters to teachers (sorry mam) brings a smile, and a few quiet minutes with a cup of tea.

Lots of errands this morning, and shopping for the weekend visitors, then off to the MBH to finish off my work before Mr B arrived back. Thankfully my work seemed to pass muster...

My terror of the hornets continues. Last night brought a bizarre series of wildlife encounters. After my frog blip, another frog (smaller) hopped across in front of the telly just before I was heading up to bed. I encouraged it outside, then spotted a huge caterpillar in front of the fridge. That was easier to get out happily. Settling down in bed with a good book, I heard an ominous buzzing and a loud bash against the bedside lamp. To say I leapt out of bed is an understatement: I was fired out of bed and in the corridor before you could say 'hornet'. In fact I leapt out so quickly that I managed to bash my ankle so hard against the (wooden) bedframe that it drew blood. Ouch. Turns out it was a shield bug, not a hornet. Sigh.

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