wander, stumble, wonder

By imo_weg

Catch Up

How did the world cope before iview/iplayer/thefix/4od/whatever-else-online-catch-up-may-be-called?

I've almost finished my 3000 words due on Friday. It's only Monday, I'm not sure I've ever been this efficient before in my life. Must be the last week of semester. IT'S THE LAST WEEK??????? Yikes. Where did that go? Well, I thought I could stop writing for the evening, since it was 10pm, and I've only got half an issue and my conclusion left to do. The wind's howling outside, an occasional rain drop cracks against my window, and Ma Ramote is paused on abc iview. Time to hop into bed, snug and safe from the springtime weather, and enjoy some Botswanan adventures hey?

Oh yes, and I've backblipped yesterday.

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