Waiting for Jonny

By yearofhappy


Had a lovely and lively Fri evening with friends and decided Saturday was definetely a day to try and clear the headache once and for all so a walk was order of the day.

We headed off to Malham
which unbelievably I have never been to before even though it's only half an hour away. A delightful drive to the Yorkshire Dales and then a really bracing walk round most of Malham. We stopped at Janet's Foss ( an amazing waterfall with little caves near it that we stopped and had a picnic in ) my photography skills appear to have left me at that point. We then meandered to Goredale Scar, a section of rocks that allows you to climb to the top . When I say "allows", it clean forgets about my dire fear of heights and frankly this kind permission was irrelevant. I could probably have taken some decent shots at this point but was too busy concentrating on things like " clinging on for dear life " . We ended the walk over the tops and back down into Malham, the rain had started and unfortunately the grey skies and drizzle meant that it was hard to get a shot that conveyed how magnificent the area is. True Yorkshire at it's best though despite the conditions.

I have had to tweak this shot a little with " solarise " to enhance and capitalise on the greyness of the sky otherwise today's blip offering would have held all the appeal of a pair of dirty white socks that never wash up well and always have that consequent shade of taupe associated with them.

A very good day with much needed fresh air and stress free time

I am lucky


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