Chocolate is Therapy

By chocistherapy

My Lovely Pear Tree

When I moved into this house the fact that it had a pear tree was a bonus but I didn't realise how much I'd come to love it until a couple of people told me it was leaning too much and I should get it removed.

It's harvest of conference pears has differed every year from the sublime to the ridiculous. This year is the latter. There are so many pears and at heights I can't reach so much of the fruit is getting ruined when it drops to the ground.

I eventually sought the advice of a tree surgeon and I expected to hear all the reasons why I actually needed to have it dug up. Instead he stood in amazement and told me what a fine tree it is. It's healthy and he was surprised at the crop. He's going to come back and alleviate the poor old thing by shortening some of it's branches and giving it a good old tidy up.

I'm glad I'm not on my own with my tree love.

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