First Splash

23months 18days

...of autumn that is. We went out early before church this morning, as I could see it had rained a lot and knew Katie would want to splash a little. However, I hadnt quite anticipated her finding a small pond. We did have all the necessary spares, deliberately, but she was literally dripping from her skirt as we arrived at Church!

The service was lovely, it was Harvest Festival. It's nice being part of harvest in a village where it actually meant something - talking about farmers that the congregation know, who are affected by how the season has been and are genuinely saying thankyou for their real harvest, not just being thankful for what we are blessed with generally. Katie did spend part of the service trying to drag a mini chair around, and ate a lot of raisins, but she also enjoyed dancing to the Boys Brigade band and waved at her friends when the Anchors did their song.

There was a shared lunch after the service. She had a very impressive appetite for once, she rarely eats much at these things. Her and Emma seemed to encourage each other to eat together. They had a nice play, all the children, before we set out home. Via some more puddles. She was a touch unimpressed to discover that in the time it had taken to go to church and have lunch, the pond had drained away.

And yes. Monkey did go too for the puddle jumping. By the time this photo was taken, he was drying on a wall.

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