
By mizzban

Oh my goodness, haven't seen you lately.

I have not picked up my camera for 4 months. How bad is that? I intended to go on a bit of a photowalk today but it is absolutely p***ing it down out there and I don't really fancy getting wet.

I took a very quick self portrait to illustrate my discomfort with getting back behind (and infront of) the camera.

I'm still on flickr but will be X posting to this journal to get some separation for this new phase. After ages shooting pretty crap self portraits I really hope I can post things here I am proud of. It is a huge achievement that I can now post a picture of myself without any real anxiety so I hope that soon, my other work will follow. After the 365 days and becoming a self portrait artist I began to feel a bit sick of my face, Im sure you do too. So although I am not going to stop shooting myself entirely. I won't be posting as much or as often. Just a warning.

My Flickrstream:

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