one a day...
...or so they say
--will keep the doctor away - so since i'm not feeling very well today, i'll eat my apple in hopes of that...
perhaps my chills were a sign of things to come - for upon awakening and looking outside - there floating through the sky - was snow... yes, the white stuff has made its first official visit. big gentle flakes - blowing haphazardly - this way and that... carried by the wind. it began as rain during the night - then as is often the case, the temperature dropped just enough that gradually it turned...
not enough to stick at this altitude, although the high country is getting dumped on, but a taste of days to come... of what nature can do in the blink of an eye... a caution to be prepared... for slick roads and potential danger, but also the wonder that comes with freshly fallen snow... the stillness and quiet - making snow angels - being the first to leave footprints in the new fluff - snowballs and snowmen...
all things that can make for
happy day.....
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