Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Soft Underside

Sometimes the view from behind it all just seems right. Why is that? I don't have a clue. But today just felt like the soft underside -- I worked almost all day on student papers and getting them into the online gradebook and lots of this is new to me because we've moved from the WebCT software to Blackboard. A colleague helped me by emailing precise instuctions and then earlier this evening she phoned to take me step-by-step through some details. Once I get my running shoes on and my laces cinched and tied, I'll get quicker at these procedures.

So I stayed all day at my home office and did my best to construct a "calming" mood -- soft jazz/easy listening music and the lovely fragrance of cinnamon-scented pinecones, several cups of fresh brewed coffee, and the day just felt soft. All the hard edges melted away.

I guess I should have made a pot of spiced tea. Today the feeling of autumn wrapped itself around me and even though I didn't get to go out and "play," I had a lovely day.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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