walking in the city

By inthecity


I submitted my grant application last night just under the wire. I bet tons of apps were flooding in. The traffic on their site was nightmare-slow as the minutes ticked down. Those giant web-automated things are brutal. But I don't care.

> It's done and this is friday of a long weekend.
> The sun is shining and I just got my hair did.
> The best thing to come out of the whole messy application process has already happened. The people I met at OISE/UT were fantastic with me and showed me some of the ultra cool media projects they do. Even if I don't get a postdoc, we're going to work together on something.

I'm going to crash now. Have a fabulous weekend. Thanks for supportive comments in the last few days.

*The parking lots around College & Spadina are coming alive in the last few months. I'm loving it. I shot this hottie back in June and there was nothing else around.

big eyes

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