a day in the life of Jack

By jacksmom726

New England weather

Today we woke up to temperatures of the low 40's(f)....the house was freezing, we needed layers of clothes to warm up. Another cold night tonight, it's already 48(f) and will get colder as the night goes on.

Tomorrow, typical to New England weather, will be a complete turn around from today. It is expected to reach in the high 70's to even 80 degrees!

I've been doing some more editing on my photos from yesterdays photo shoot, thank you for the kind words on my blip yesterday. I have so many dreams of what I'd like to do in the future. I'd love to have an actual studio, whether it be something at the house (which I think would require an addition on the house) or a stand alone building. I know that I am not ready for that step in many ways, including my ability as a photographer and financial resources, but I will keep practicing and maybe someday, I'll be able to achieve that goal. I love taking photos, and babies and children are my favorite subject! It would be so nice to have this as my only 'job'.

Tomorrow is the Clickin' Moms Clickin' Walk....I'm so excited to have the opportunity to spend a few hours with a group of photographers to take photos and to maybe pick up some tips!

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