Kinda Before Horrigans

By horrigansbefore


... my standards of photography have, anyway!

[finished version on my [url=]Kinda Horrigans[/url] journal]

Not that much editing although the colours are obviously richer than the original. However, the main thing was pre-shutter and going for a narrow depth of field. In other words, the leaf in focus, and the rest blurry. To do this, I used a wide aperture of f/3.2 and had the camera on aperture priority. The light wasn't great, hence an ISO of 200 but kept as low as I could so that it wasn't noisy. You can see, however, that I should have used a slightly faster shutter speed - it's a bit over-exposed - but it was a rushed shot as I wasn't feeling well, so if you were doing this properly, then you'd have spot metered for the light on the leaf to really give it some richness

In Photoshop, I added a photo filter layer to warm the colours, a levels adjustment layer to give it more depth and the whole thing was sharpened so as the veins in the leaf were crisp.

Flattened and saved.

Tip of the Day:
Some great bits of advice on photographing fall colour in this article - and if nothing else, there are some lovely images to to whet your apetite!

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