Head first

23 months 16days

Katie decided (after several turns of doing it correctly) that sliding head first down the crash mat was more fun than the rolypolys she was meant to be doing.

She was a little sad about going to nursery this morning. They said she cheered up before too long though. Today they told me that normally, Katie refuses to leave her nursery room - she wont go with the others to wash their hands for meal and snack time,gets upset when they take her to have her nappy done. But today they said she went happily to wash her hands with the others. They tried to get her to eat at the table at lunchtime and she wasnt pleased. I arrived and there was a staff member sat beside her. She ate a few mouthfuls for me but made it clear she wasnt impressed to be sat with the others. Other than this, they said she's so much happier and smiley now. I told her we were going to gymnastics and she said "bye bye find bobbobs", took herself to the door.

During the circuit time at gymnastics, she was particularly enjoying the tunnels and trampette today. She did some good pulling along on her tummy. A lot of running very fast. She liked a duck game we played, although came up with her own version. They were meant to run to the music, then when it stopped, balance their duck on the narrow end of a cone. She ran round chewing its beak and when the music stopped, put the cone on her head. When the game was over, they were asked to put the ducks in Gail's box. Katie went up to Gail, duck still in mouth, chewed it a bit more before simply opening her mouth and letting go.

She was totally made up when it was time for the big apparatus. She ran straight to bars. She did great with Gail, then we were allowed to let them try the higher bar this week. She was so chuffed. She reached and stretched ready to jump up, then hung on her own and swung with a lovely straight body. Very proud! She still hates the beam though! At the end, her and Ava did ring o roses holding hands together, so sweet.

After gymnsatics, she wanted to get some more food, so we stopped off for a snack and drink. She soon fell to sleep in the car. I had to drop it for its MOT and thought she'd let me put her in the pram to carry on sleeping. She sat in the pram but woke up and hasnt slept since, so has had 15minutes all afternoon.

She's been having atoys teaparty since yesterday and continued this afternoon, with a sweet little china teaset she has. She's also been drawing on pretty much any piece of paper she finds lying around. My uni timetable is a little more colourful now, to say the least.

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