Suzy's Scenes

By suzyscenes

Let It Rain

The rain finally came, and I was hoping to put if off for a few more days while my husband and I went to Florence for a few days. I was hoping the sun would peak out at sunset, and it did. It was a beautiful too.

I had my husband pose with my umbrella to try to give this shot a little more flair. He kept turning around, looking at me like " Are we done yet?" He just doesn't quite get it, but at least I was able to get this shot.

Florence has been our get away place for the last few years, and we haven't got away for about a year and a half. There is one thing that I have to have when I come here, and it may be available in other places, but I seem to get the urge when I go to Florence. That one thing is chocolate cheese cake covered with ganache. It is indescribably delicious. I enjoy every morsel and I don't share a bite. YUMMMM.

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