Keep your focus...

It is easy to get your eye off of the prize. It is simple to get side tracked in drudgery. It is difficult to stay on the straight and narrow!

I have a to do list a page long. It seems this is always the case. The HAVE TOs and the I CAN'T WAIT TOs!!! Balance is the key!

Side note: My daughter called as she was leaving work to go home. She was sick and left work early. Question?? As a mom, do you ever not feel like you need to be there to take care of them? She is an adult. I just told her to keep drinking/sipping water & tea, make some toast, take a nap. When I came home from work I made her eggdrop soup. I was good not be baby her, but my 'Mom-mode' was struggling. The kids don't get sick often, which is good, so I haven't had to deal with it. I guess you don't stop being a mom inside. I still pray for my kids and tell them I love them. Still say "Be careful out there" as they leave. I imagine I will be the same with grandkids one day! Until then...................

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