For Blips Sake

By dagefo


I started using Twitter earlier in the year mainly as a way of keeping up to date with news and information important to me.

The last few days I seem to be very popular as two tweets of mine have been retweeted by some fairly big names (in my world anyway!).

I was most pleased with this message from RC Concepcion (@aboutrc) after saying I really enjoyed an podcast interview he did recently. Seems a nice guy and a great photographer!

Today was also the first time where I've learnt of breaking news (the passing of Steve Jobs) via Twitter. It's a weird experience because the first tweet you read you assume it must be a mistake/hoax. Sadly it wasn't. Judging from the number of Apple related tweets (which I suppose this is too) he touched so many people and gave the world many gifts that we wouldn't be without now. This is my favourite quote of his...

"You can't just ask customers what they want and then try to give that to them. By the time you get it built, they'll want something new"

So true

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