
By Tinasstuff

Second Chance

I will always be greatful (though that doesn't seem enough) to the family who allowed my family to have a second chance.

Today is the third anniversary of my husbands transplant.

He had a kidney transplant 3 years ago, after waiting for 7 years on dialysis. He was ill for 12 years in total. He will take tablets for the rest of his life, but that is nothing in comparasion to having dialysis. Mark done two types. He first started on CAPD, then had to go to Haemo after a few years. Both types are draining and restrictive in different ways.

I read more often now thankfully that more and more people are joining the donor list. The really important thing to do though is to tell your family of your wishes. Up to 50% of organs are lost because families don't agree to it.

The family who were brave enough, at such a difficult time to give Mark a second chance, will always be in my thoughts. Especially today.

Awhile ago I read about Rurai I can't tell you how pleased and proud I was to read that post. Donation needs to be spoken about so your family are clear on your wishes.

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