Today's Special

By Connections

Dairy Delights


I've lost count of the number of cooking classes I've taken and meals I've enjoyed at Ciao Thyme, a local cooking school, occasional restaurant, and catering company. The latest focused on making fresh cheeses, milk, and buttermilk from Fresh Breeze milk and cream, a local organic dairy.

We were surprised by how long it took to shake small glass jars of heavy cream to make our own butter -- a workout in advance of anticipated indulgence. Watching fresh ricotta being made and tasting the delicious results inspired most of us to at least consider trying to make it in our own homes. The mozzarella-making process was more complex, but the results were equally delicious.

The superb cream-laden caramel sauce, which flavored a rich homemade ice cream, I will leave to the experts. It's good to know your limits.

There are a few more photos on Flickr.

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