'Simply Mrs M'......

By SimlyMrsM

The night before...

Well, this is the night before the big family holiday..,., believe it or not... That was only the hand luggage!!!! Well, give us our due....it's bi-annual now our holidays you know!!!.....

Maybe we should start playing the lottery? Worth it?? ...... Or not??.....

Dreading tomorrow's flights. 24 hours from door to door..... 3 kids 3 years apart & none at school age yet- no travel cot, no pram in transit, 4 year old son just out of 3 month long casts - nightmare!!! Do you ever wish you were so loaded that 1st class was the norm???!! I do....sometimes!!!!... Reality says,"insomnia here I come!!!!!!!!!"

On the plus..........flying to (in my opinion) the most beautiful island on the planet, with the loveliest & most amazing culture of people.

Miss all that....& them all terribly. It's hard not to get caught up in the whirlwind of the 'Joneses Culture' over at our end of the world.... We do it & secretly hate it......role on paradise.... We're coming for you!!!!


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