Year Three

By RobotChicken

The Joys of Home Ownership

As my wife says.

This is me repairing our white picket fence. Somehow, the local cats (??) have pushed through the slots of the fence and quite a few posts had come down over the last few years. One of the cats was a stray and we gave her a home in the end, so the attrition rate of the surviving posts definitely improved.

Said cat is upset that she's a house only cat now, and frankly, one reason not to let "fatso" out again is that I don't want to spend the rest of my life putting those posts back up. She's too fat to get through those gaps, not that that would stop her of course. And frankly, if she stood on the fence itself now, I don't rate the fence's chance, even if it does have concrete foundations for the main posts. (TIMBER!)

Anyway, 6 posts now back where they belong. Love the clamps!

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