Kirstie Gossage

By KirstieG

An Autumn Day

I really love Autumn. Just before we went away I wanted to Blip the leaves in the garden and just didn't get around to it. At the weekend Mr G sucked up (with a garden hoover thing) all the leaves so I thought my chance had gone.

Bearing in mind we have no trees in our front or back gardens we have now have enough to fill about 4 bins, is crazy. Our gardens are like magnets and either side of us the houses are clear of leaves - very strange!!

Anyway a quick walk round the garden and I got this Blip. Shortly afterwards, Casper came and did a pee over the leaves and my feet! Gee, thanks!!!

It is cinema and pizza night with the girls tonight so I am off out in a couple of hours. In the meantime I have a pile of ironing and the beds to change - Mum is coming to stay this weekend :) Must crack on..........

PS - Thank you to Ann who bought me the Cath Kidston pumps as a birthday present after the other ones were eaten. Thanks Ann, they are so comfy AND perfect for my Autumn Blip x x

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