Live, love, laugh

By Rianka


Two cars, heading in a different direction.
With even more cars on the side off the road. And even more cars lining up behind ours..

After a while we had it figured out and we could all go our way.

As you can see, it was quite busy at the beach.

I got a text this morning asking me if I wanted to go for a swim.
Off course!
My friends and I enjoyed one of the last days of sunshine at the "beach".

This morning I went on an art tour with my parents. All the artists in our village were having an open house to show their pieces to the public. It was very nice. Funny to see some semi shock faced when I walked in the room (all the other people who came there were a lot older :P).

In the evening I went to my boy. We had a wonderful walk to the petting zoo. Saw some ducks chasing each other around the pond. We had dinner with the whole family and had a relaxing evening.

Very, very good Sunday :)

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