Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Red, rojo, vermelho!

A slightly frustrating day today. Went to pick up the extract from the bank which we'd had to request 48 hours in advance, to find it was only available for 24 hours after it had been requested. I should have gone yesterday. If only they'd told us that before! Then many attempts at calling a technician to come and see our new gas boiler as we're not sure it's working to 100% capacity. It was one of these answering machines with different options (all in Portuguese of course) and I thought I was being asked to put in the model number of the boiler and duly did so....quite a few times. Eventually I realised I was being asked for our postcode. Good listening practice though! I then got the address and phone number for a technician in Rio. I hope I took it down correctly and will only know when I call it tomorrow! Stopped at this big restaurant/bar on the way back from the bank for a coffee and was quite taken with the long red bar. There's a big restaurant at the end of it. Bb and I might have to try it one day.

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