Reverse panda

I was hoping to look more windswept, if not interesting, and more rain washed once I realised that it was Tuesday - Beavers night - and once I was home I was unlikely to be heading out again for any other photos and I'd failed to do anything else all day. Well, it was a nice breeze in, blown along by a 20mph wind that reduced the effort enough to make the trip both faster and easier. Lunchtime was occupied with catching up with JustSitting at the tea shop, talking bikes and photos and death and other cheery topics (which reminds me of the music reference I wrote down). Hang on. Ach, it's not on Spotify. But at least you get a sense of movement but I wasn't doing a proper Panda - too concerned about dropping the camera (I waited til I got home to do that) and my bike is a bit juddery with no hands. So, two hands on the hoods and just thumb-pressing the shutter as I ambled along.

So, anyway, coming back was the same as yesterday - into the wind - only hosed with rain this time and, it seemed, with all the traffic just a little less predictable and more hurried.

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