This day

By snapper


A mixed day, bits done bits not done! Probably on edge as my eldest daughter was travelling back from Germany today, I'm always on edge when my fledgeling are on the move its a parent thing.
Went with no1 son to get him an outfit for the wedding we are off to at the weekend. God why do my two eldest always have to dress in black? My youngest likes bright clothes as do I but the other two always wear black black black! it does my head in. Anyhows he got something plus a good pair of winter boots. He also got an upgrade on his phone and ended up with an ~HTC Sensation and what a smahing wee phone it is. Better than my crappy Blackberry Torch that keeps on crashing and freezing on me and Im not due an update till May!! I will be demented by then!

Eldest daughter and I then dined out in a place called the Bothy off Byers Rd, not impressed! then we went to see Tinker Taylor Soldier Spy and was even less impressed! Anyhows just chilling till I go off home tomorrow and get ready for this high fulootin wedding in Grasmere!

Eldest daughter modeling the fancy hat she brought back from Germany for me, I have quite a collection of mad hats now
Have a good blip night all

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