Mr Mysterious H

By MrMayhem

Just playing

Okay so here i am at last. With an actually up to date blog. First of all i need to thank everyone who continues to follow me so many thanks. Without followers or subscribers as you are known i'd basically be ranting to myself each day couple of days.

This picture was once again an experiment with light and depth of Field but it came out pretty well and to be honest it's all i have today.

Where do start. Well first of all i'd like to clear up some comments i made a few days ago about cofin dodgers. It seemed to get a few people a bit fired up. All i have to say put yourself in that catorgory. I never said at what age you become a coffin dodger. So get off your sterident tablet boxes and untwist your tenapants.

Right so as y'all know i've been back to work. Now i've had my fair share of problems with the service over the years namely management not liking to be told to go fuck themselves. However im now at a point where i just wanna go to work get my head down and get paid. So thats what i thought i'd do after my mini break for my back op. Until some fucking jumped up horse face fuck bag decided that a Mohawk is "unproffesional and thugish and doesn't cast the image we want for the service"!!! Would that be the image of Undiverse, predudice bullies who can't except that someone has the right to be different? But at least i was the bigger man. Im going to get it cut and i didn't swear once...well not to their faces anyway.

Damn i had a whole load of stuff i needed to rant about on here but all i can think about is how i've been wronged and how i am gutted that i've got to shave my mohawk.

So im gonna go and catch up on some more commenting and leave you with the first song that came into my head when i saw this shot....It's all about the cash!!

And finally I saw X-Factor was on ITV this Saturday so I got some popcorn and tuned in. After 50 minutes of watching fat gay people cry and tell the camera how much they "want this", I suddenly thought to myself....

"I don't think Wolverine's in this one".

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